Friday, December 28, 2007

2008 FREE Contest/Drawing: Your New Year Resolution Might Be Drawn as the Leap Year Art Calendar Winner

There is something about a New Year that is as wondrous as fresh fallen snow - I always want to make tracks in it. So I've always made resolutions... Do you make resolutions? If so, please add your New Year's Resolutions in the comments below to be included in a drawing, January 02, 2008 for a free Personalised Leap Year Art Calendar by Devonia.

I'll start...

Is a resolution about the same as setting a goal? I think so; however, resolving seems to have more commitment behind it for some reason- akin to readying myself to jumping off a cliff - I take them quite seriously. Since I'm by nature rather impetuous, easily distracted, probably a perfect description of ADD or an absent-minded professor (and because I can't remember a single resolution I've never kept), I think, this year, I'll merely set my ideal personal goals for 2008 and see if that works out better for me.

Goal 1. God, Family, Loved Ones, Friends & Country will have first priority.

Goal 2. I'm going to read the below post daily and take it to heart in the hopes that I don't let my days just slip away from me with very little meaning. Now, I don't know how many "days" I have left; but at my age, it's not enough to justify squandering a single day.

This Day

"This day is a special day, it is yours.

Yesterday slipped away, it cannot be filled anymore with meaning.

About tomorrow nothing is known.

But this day, today, is yours, make use of it.

Today you can make someone happy.

Today you can help another.

This day is a special day, it is yours."

Author Unknown

Goal 3. I'm going to try to paint or create something that I really put my whole shabby heart into- at least twice a month. It's plain silly to ignore the fact that my fingers aren't as flexible as they once were and my eyes aren't as keen. I may not always be able to paint and create; thus, I'll try to do my very best work while I still can- with gratefulness and appreciation of the blessing it has been to me.

Goal 4. I'm not going to over-commit myself so that I feel stressed, pressured nor impatient. I'm going to totally relax in free time, whether it's reading or just daydreaming and stop feeling guilty for the time-out.

Goal 5. I'm going to laugh -often and fully.

I'd be so happy if you shared your goals or resolutions for 2008 in the comments. The winner of the drawing for the calendar will be posted January 2, 2008.

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Ronnie said...

Personal and Business

I will be as resolute and as graceful as the unicorn in all my undertakings, business deals, personal goals, and in preserving my relationships with my friend, family members , and colleagues in 2008, and even beyond.


I will always take the pains to write quality posts all the time, take blog commercialization at the back seat, and take good readers, like Devonia here, seriously so that in the same manner I wrote my posts, they will continue to take the pains in reading them.


Great Blog here Dev. I so love the paintings too.

Cheers and have a blessed new year!


If you don't mind, I added this blog in my blog rolls.

Many thanks for the compliment you left on the comment.

Miss Rhea said...

Your Calender is just lovely Devonia !! Pick Me !! :)lol. Ok, In really thinking about this, my resolution this year is to love more. To love the people that are already in my life more, so that they Never have a doubt, to love those that I meet in passing, so that they may take something good with them when they go. To reach out, to those deemed unlovable and let them bask in it. Not so that they think of me, but so they are inspired to pass it on. I plan on praying more and complaining less, keeping my mouth closed when there is anything other than praise coming out of it. Thats it. :) Hugs,

cheri said...

My resolution would be to live life to the fullest each and every day. Battling breast cancer naturally has taught me to be strong in my beliefs in nature and natural healing.

I will be strong in the face of people who mean well but have no clue about the power of nature to provide what we need to heal ourselves.

I am not a religious person yet I am spiritual in the fact that I believe everything has a soul and puropse and it has helped me to be healthy and whole withtout destroying my body in the process.

My family has learned though this process not to fear cancer and to trust in nature to provide what we need for a happy healthy life which is the greatest gift we could get.


Anonymous said...

My resolution for 2008 is to CHOOSE joy ... true joy! Joy in my good circumstances and joy in my difficult ones as well.

The Word says the joy of the Lord is my strength, and joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit, so I figure the only way I'm going to be able to choose true joy is to choose to walk with God each and every day, trust Him to be in control of my life, and let His joy flow in and through me to a troubled, hurting world.

Oh boy, just think how joyful I would be if I won the calendar! LOL

Hugs, Dorothy p.e.p

Karen said...

My resolution for this year to to write down goals to be achieved in the coming year.
I want:
To write to my blog more consistantly.
To eat healthier & exercise more.
To spend more time with family & friends.
To return to France for a few weeks.
To unclutter my house & garage & list more on eBay to help pay for travel & home improvement.
Karen (Aquiltmaven on the BB & CollageMaven on Blogger)

Anonymous said...

Sure I could use another one of these beautiful calendars. Put my name in the drawing.
My resolutions for 2008:
1. To be more open in showing love to others.
2. To be less judgmental of young people.
3. To work at unloading a lot of excess inventory.
4. In order to make #3 successful I must be wiser in buying inventory. Leave the 'maybe I can sell it" behind.
Teddi aka tedfred

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Calendar Devonia!
My New Years Resolution is very simple; To remind myself, each and every day, to be THANKFUL.

The world can be a frightening and horrible place for some.... a warm and loving place for others. I am very grateful for everything in my life; from enjoying the smallest of things like the little lady bug crawling on my window, to reaching for a jar of peanut butter to have a sandwich, to being able to buy gas for my car even if it is over $3.00 bucks a gallon. As small as these may seem, truly they are gifts and blessings from above. Money doesn't make one rich, it's the realization of all the blessings and joy they have in their lives. My life is enriched, filled to the brim with blessings, which truly makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth ~ so, in my moment of silence and prayer each and every day, above all... I will be Thankful.

Devonia, Thank YOU for playing such a wonderful game, and sharing your talent with others. Warm Regards, Debbie ~Sunny-Sommers~ from P.E.P

Anonymous said...

Oh my where do I start? Let me see hhhmmmm:

1.I have to quit being so judgmental

2. Read my bible everyday

3. Be truly thankful for every precious waking moment with anyone of my loved ones.

4. Work on my quick to anger with hubby.

5. Be kind to all people, especially older folks and children.

6. Help all helpless animals.

7. Where do I stop? I could go on and on~

8, Strength train to increase bone mass and watch what I choose to eat! RRRrrr

9. Make new friends and treasure the old ones as gold.

Devonia you have been a delightful friend for almost 40 years woman~ and you have never ceased to amaze me. You are a true entrepeneur and I have much respect for you and all of your vast talents. God has been good to you.

Love you girl, Kbaby

Anonymous said...

To begin with I think your art work is just beautiful, wonderful work!
1. I may have only one resolution this year, that is to be content with my life and live everyday to the fullest.
2. Oh there has to be two - to live as the Lord would have me live.
Have a great New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Devonia, thank you for sharing now only your art, but your thoughts. I find them both to be inspirational.

I haven't made resolutions for the past few years so that I don't set myself up for failure. I will add that I am trying to be less hard on myself and I hope to stay out of my own way. A sign in my kitchen says:

Dear Marsha,
Thanks, but I won't be needing your help today.

If I can only remember that, I think I'll have a pretty good year.


Devonia said...

This was so much fun! Someday, I will have to do it again. It's a good thing that this contest was simply a drawing because if it had been based upon the quality of the resolutions, I could not have made a choice and I doubt a spate of judges could have either!

Thank you one and all, old friends, new friends and soon to be friends! Happy New Year!

Connie said...

Oh my, I hope I'm not toooo late. Love your blog, sweetpea!

Connie said...

My goal is to create more and be a more gentle, spiritual person. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.

Devonia said...

Ronnie: I loved your blog! The integrity of your posts make it stand apart from so many. Thank you for taking the time
to add me to your blog list and I'm going to include yours as well, if you don't object. I have no doubt that you will keep all of your personal and blog resolutions. Ahem, unlike me....

Rhea: Thank you so much for the kind compliments about my wee calendar. I especially liked your LOVE resolutions, Rhea. It shows how special you are that you included even those who are deemed unlovable in your hopes that the circle of love will be ever-widening. I will add my prayers to yours about my mouth! *laughing*

Cheri: I will think of you often during this New Year - with admiration for your ability to find trust and even spiritual blessings in your struggle to meet this challenge. My prayers for your total recovery and blessings during this year.

Dorothy: You personify the light of joy in your every post. It shines, it shines!

Karen: I had nooo idea you had a blog and I ran right over to it. Loved it and will return often. Please do write more! Especially about your trip to France! And about uncluttering your house and garage too. If you work that out, I need TIPS.

Dear Teddi: I, too have an abundance of inventory that shows my inability to be discerning when I really should.
It's hard to say noooo when the price is right, the condition is almost right, and something is soooo appealing. But, I'll try too. I'm so flattered that you bought not one, but two of my calendars, Teddi, and would have found a place for another. Thank you!

Debbie: I was so touched by your resolve to "be thankful". Appreciation for the small blessings is a blessing in itself and one I'm going to strive to keep uppermost in my heart. Thanks for posting it.

kbaby: You are judgmental?!? I've never known you to be judgmental nor quick to get mad at unowho. And you are always kind. Looking these resolves over, yours will be a cinch to keep, Kay, cuz you already practice them. Keep working on that bone mass stuff though~ "entrepreneur? " Coughing and sputtering... oh my, if only....

Elaine: Congratulations! And thank you so kindly. A compliment from another artist is so special and appreciated.

Marsha: Thank you. I truly understand about setting yourself up for failure; I was careful too. I love the sign in your kitchen, Marsha, and need that reminder myself sooooo I saved it! I offer my help waaaay tooo often and need to remember to live in faith. It's right next to the verse, Isaiah 65:24 "Before they call, I will answer", sent to me by Kbaby.

Connie: Whoops, too late but I'm soooo glad you didn't realize it! You couldn't be a gentler or kinder person, Connie, but we will all benefit if you create more. Focus on it! :)

Again, thank you one and all. I wish all of us our happiest, most joy-filled, blessed year ev