Are you aware that for more than ninety years, industry has relied upon one primary source to predict the color you will want your rug, your clothing , your stationary and even your new car to be next season? As a result, they know long before we know.
Prior to the birth of The Color Association of America (CAUS) , in 1915, the textile industry depended upon hat makers for seasonal color guidance. Noooo, the miliners didn't have color crystal balls; but, they did order all of their supplies from France. It's not surprising that Victorian ladies simply inquired casually about colors at their local millinery shoppe before decorating the parlor. The miliners forecast was consistently on mark and manufacturers were able to co-ordinate so that none were out of style nor behind the color trend ~ until World War I ~ when the supply of goods and information from France ceased.
In response to this calamitous void of information, textile manufacturers were forced to form their own committee - to decide what the color preferences of Americans would be each year. A color card system was developed and is still used today. Major manufacturers in every genre purchase these priceless color cards each season, confident that if they stay within these guidelines, their product colors will please their consumer base. There is a lot at stake because statistics have revealed that 45% of customers won't buy if they dislike the color.
Since color is king, it takes a czar to make the color decisions. For each genre, up to a dozen color czars individually research and then debate the merits of each color preference until a consensus is formed among the group - and forty-four colors are selected to be that season's Standard Color Card of America . This card, with absolute formulas, is available only to CAUS members , and is international in its business/designer influence.
Armed with the standard cards, designers then develop original concepts - careful to stay within the set color formulas - so that their colors won't be at risk.
One question still begs an answer: Where did France get their info? If only we were privy to that answer, New York would be Paris! Instead, New York is home to CAUS, the COLOR Capital of the World.
Curious about the true color trend for 2007-2008? Now you can know what the top designers know straight from their source - Access the CAUS Fall/Winter 2007-2008 Interactive Forecast Here. You can even sign up for a great monthly newsletter on C O L O R here.
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