Monday, December 3, 2007

Opportunity Knocks: The next dinosaur may be the armoire

Will armoires soon be extinct for hotel/motel use? Do we even care? We should because it means zillions of armoires available to re-do for shabby decor - at very reduced prices. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, tis true. Read the article here. The Journal reports that liquidators have been flooded with nice wood cabinets removed from hotels as the armoires are being replaced and moved out to make room for flat screen tvs on consoles. The armoires are being sold, some as low as fifty dollars, because warehousing tens of thousands of large armoires is impractical. This opens a real opportunity for re-poshing & repurposing great pieces of furniture. Think computer station, bathroom cabinet, wardrobes, a gift wrapping station, a nursery changing table with storage, a display cabinet, a cupboard, personal office use ~ just think! And as your mind races, considering not-so-shabby ways to SAVE the armoire ~ these are the sources that the Journal suggests we contact if interested.

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